Breeding Tallent Competition
The open ceremonial of student breeding tallent competition at
Monday (8/27) was going right without the constrait. Mr. Suwari, the headmaster
of Junior High School 3 Kepanjen said, if the Student breeding tallent competition that was holding on three
days,(Thursday (8/30) until Saturday (9/1)Was for taking place the student’s
tallent in their own classifier.
There were 11 kinds of competition. They were Sains, Math, Social,
English, Karate, volley, basket, football, chess, vocal group or sing contest,
and badminton. “i hope, after this competition was done, students can breed
their own potention and tallent. And for the students who did’nt pass the
competition, will had a chance for choosing the second kind Of student breeding
tallent, based on their own tallent,” Says Mr. Gunawan as the leader of
committee in this activity.
Although there was a little problem, this activity was done with
the result : big five of school subject competiton,and teams of Karate, basket,
football, volley, badminton, chess, and sing contest.The students will trained
with the proffessional trainer. They also will get some prize from Sinar Mas.(dch)
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